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The user wants to do things with other people
This guideline accommodates for people to experience the showroom and the interactions available within it together, allowing for an inclusive and shared experience.
Many digital devices (computers, smartphones etc.) are designed to accommodate only one user at a time which makes it hard for multiple users to interact on the same terms: One often becomes the primary user while the other(s) turn into observers. As most people visit showrooms together with someone, be it friends, family, kids or work acquaintances, these single-user interactions can cause an unbalanced user experience.



Accommodate for multi-user interactions

  • Making digital devices and environments adaptable to fit different number of users is a good way to make everyone feel included and take equal part of the interactions.


Design for the different zones of interaction

  • Many devices are designed only for one zone, for instance smartphones being in the Intimate/Personal zone, meaning it can normally only be used by one person. Accommodating for devices and interactions so they can be experienced at different levels and in the different zones will accommodate for more people to take part of the interaction.


Allow for online sharing

  • People do not only experience things together when they are present at the same location but also by sharing and talking about their experiences afterwards through social media, text-messages, phone calls, Skype, emails etc. Making these interactions possible and enjoyable will accommodate for a smoother anticipatory experience as the experience will continue outside of the showroom as well.

See also



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