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Card layout

This page gives an overview of what each ideation card contains and how the content is structured.


All cards have the same layout as displayed in the template with the aim of minimizing the learning curve for the user. By keeping the information on each physical card very brief, the user is given an easily accessed overview of the most important aspects.

At the top of the card, there is a triangular image which is color-coded accordingly to the category it belongs to. This color is also reflected in the title which presents the main theme of the card. Below this follows a subtitle, a statement if you will, starting with “The user wants to…”. Information presented here, as well as throughout the cards and the website, summarize themes that were identified throughout this thesis work and can thus be seen as representative of the general customer’s voice. (The only exception to this are the Device cards which are more based on theoretical research and thus start with a verb).


The third paragraph of text contains a background and description of the issue that the card addresses. Below this, a list with two to four checkboxes presents suggestions and guidelines on how the card’s theme can be accommodated for in a showroom environment. These are presented at either an abstract or concrete level and are thus free for interpretation - they are not rules that need to be followed, only suggestions that aim to spark ideas. At the bottom of the page, there is a gray field providing some extra advice or insight that surfaced when the toolkit was evaluated. At the bottom right, there is a reference to related cards that can help user to expand their ideation span. Above this, there is a QR code which can be scanned to access the online website where a digital, extended version of each card can be found.



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