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The user wants information about performance
This guideline provides customers the information they want to know before making a purchase, according to the user study conducted as part of this Master's Thesis.
For those interested in powerful cars there are a wide range of options on the market and much to learn in up-and-coming technology. Enthusiasts within this area will consequently request other types of information that someone who is not equally interested, so make sure to adapt the information to where the customers’ interest lie. As to performance, the thesis’ study found that information about the following areas are especially requested:
What the horsepower and torque is
To provide numbers and specifications within this area is expected.
How the powertrain and engine work
Descriptions can be conveyed by sales representatives talking to showroom visitors but may be enhanced with actual componentes on display, possibly offering mixed reality or digital models to further provide an immersive experience.
How fast the car can drive and accelerate
Talking about numbers and performance can be dangerous if the brand cannot provide evidence that backs up their statements. Thus, the better the performance offered, the greater the need for providing proof of that this is true.
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