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The user wants information about data security
This guideline provides customers the information they want to know before making a purchase, according to the user study conducted as part of this Master's Thesis.
This guideline aims at making sure the customer can interact within the showroom environment without worrying about their personal information being spread to other people. Today, more and more products are connected through the cloud and a large amount of user data is being managed on the internet. This worries a lot of people who fear their information can fall into the wrong hands, such as third party sources and hackers. Therefore, customers want to know that the company is honest with how they collect and manage data. Also, many people hesitate towards using large public displays as the content they display is often publicly visible by others. Thus, topics people request more information about are:



How the product handles customer data

  • To gain the customer’s trust, the company needs to be open about the data transferred to and from their connected products as well as in the showrooms. It should be clear how the information is managed and whom have access to what details.


What data is being collected

  • Transparency is key in creating a mutual trust between the brand and the customer which is why the customer shall always be aware of what data that is being collected and why this is being dome. Be open and clear with how you implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in your data management.


What customers can do to control data transfer

  • For the user to feel they have control over what kind of data is gathered by the company, make sure to give options if the customer does not feel comfortable sharing their information - to the extent this is possible.

See also




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