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The user wants information about sustainability
This guideline provides customers the information they want to know before making a purchase, according to the user study conducted as part of this Master's Thesis.
Most people rate sustainability as an important aspect in the decision of purchasing a battery electric vehicle. They believe electrification is the future of the automotive industry and that they are more environmentally friendly than combustion engine cars. However, there are some sceptics that believe companies are trying to hide information about how harmful the production of batteries is on the environment. There are also some people who think global warming is a hoax and therefore do not see the needs of owning an expensive electric vehicle. Providing transparent information about sustainability in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of electrification, the implications of production, owning and recycling is therefore crucial. Topics people request more information about are:



How customers can make a difference

  • People love to know they have made the right decision and to know that their choices has a (positive) impact on the environment. Give them examples of how they can contribute to a sustainable living.


How customers’ ecological footprint would improve

  • Some customers want concrete numbers on how much more environmentally friendly an electric vehicles is compared to a combustion engine both in terms of carbon emission when producing the cars and when owning the car. Showing them how their own ecological footprint could improve if they changed to a battery electric vehicle can help people understand that they can make an impact.


What the difference between BEVs and ICEVs is

  • Information is easier to understand if it is provided in relation to what is already familiar. Comparisons between combustion engine vehicles and electric vehicles are therefore often requested by customers who want easy-to-understand specifications about electrification, sustainability and other related topics.


What the automotive future can look like

  • Today, more and more people are becoming aware of the environmental impact our living has on our planet, and more and more are willing to do something about it. Electrifying the automotive industry is a great step in the right direction, so make sure to use this fact by conveying what the future of electromobility can contribute to in terms of sustainability, cleaner cities and a living planet.

See also




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