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The user wants to see the product
For some products, seeing images or a digital model is enough, but as the prize of the product increases, people are less willing to committing to a purchase before seeing the product in real life. Most customer do not want to risk buying an expensive product they have not seen in real life as digital representations, images and descriptions are not always truthful. Realizing a product does not look the way the customer had expected could cause a feeling of betrayal and risks leaving the customer displeased with the purchase.
This guideline allows customers to see the offered products and create their own opinion about them



Have a physical car on display

  • Seeing a product in real life is the greatest reassurance a customer can get as it allows them to form their own opinion and not rely on others’ interpretations.


Show the car in mixed reality

  • Mixed reality is becoming a common way for customers to see products that might not be in store or are not manufactured yet.

Allow digital models to be viewed from all angles

  • When visualizing products digitally it is recommended to offer a 360° view in order for the customers to see as many details and angles of the product as possible.


Offer color and material samples

  • Seeing a product in real life is the greatest reassurance a visitor can get as they are not receiving someone else’s interpretation but can create their own. If there is no car available, consider displaying bits and pieces that can help the visitors to envision the product and what using it will be like.


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